My Super Group Teacher is Not Here

I am waiting on the teacher. They are not here.

In the picture above, you can see the words "the teacher will arrive soon, please wait". However, the class has begun and other students are taking class successfully (you can see their points). The teacher is not live, and the recording will begin at the scheduled time.

What has happened is that there was a lag or error when you entered class, and it did not load successfully.

*Please exit class and re-enter.

This should reset things, but if not, please do some internet and device troubleshooting:

iPad troubleshooting

PC troubleshooting

Mac troubleshooting

What is a good speed test result?

If you miss the class, your child will be able to watch the playback in the "study" tab in 12 hours. (See link below to find this)

Where do I find supplementary materials?

If you need more help troubleshooting, please email us with photos and details at We will take a look at the class report and can try to help you find solutions to avoid this in the future.

***You are responsible for having your technology and internet connection ready. You will not be able to retake the lesson, but your child will be able to watch the playback and practice the sentence frames and vocabulary. ***

How to Schedule Regular Super Group Classes

How Does Super Group Class Work?

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