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We have 4 different types of courses available: 1. Listening & Speaking : Listening & Speaking.pdf These are for children aged 5-12 years old who have never learned Chinese or who have limited exposu…
There is no restriction on the amount of classes our students can take each week. However, for a beginner, the recommended frequency of Lingo Bus class is 2-3 classes per week. This will allow our st…
What kinds of courses are there? What is pinyin? What is Chinese Heritage?
7 articles by 2 authors
Tips and links : Will the teacher speak English? Where can I download the app?
11 articles by 2 authors
How to schedule 1-on-1 classes, find frequently-used teachers, and how to cancel
8 articles by 2 authors
Tips for taking super group lessons, scheduling, and troubleshooting
6 articles by 1 author
Adding kids, changing profile details...
8 articles by 1 author
Pricing, VIPKID discounts, referral questions
9 articles by 2 authors
12 articles by 2 authors
Questions related to study materials
5 articles by 1 author
Find us for extra help when needed.
1 article by 1 author
Guides for New Parents
2 articles by 1 author
Keeping my info and kids' info safe
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